Speaking of Thor, how about we go ahead and include him in this week's edition of So, Who Would Win?
But who to match up against?
How about an old fried and some-time sparring partner, Hercules?
Honestly, after all these years, wouldn't you like a definitive answer as to who's better; Thor or Hercules?
And trust me, they've had plenty of battles over the years.....

No, not like this!
More like this!


Who Wins and Why?

Tell me what you think....
Hope you have a good weekend guys and gals
That and his strength-doubling belt should work. But can he outdrink him? I say thee nay.
He could definitely break more mugs.
This is a good one... but I think it would end in a draw..... (Even though Thor got thoroughly owned by Herc in Blood Oath!) Eventually Hercules would get distracted by bitches and beer. Then the two of them would have... adventures in space or something. GET ON IT, BOB LAYTON!!!
Random: And tabs. oh lord the tabs man, the TABS......
King: Right!? He's already revisited his IM days, why not some Herc too?
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