Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Dream Waves: Moon Knight

Yeah it's pretty much officially unofficially Moon Knight week around here isn't it?
Fuck it, why fight it.

So, continuing on with the Moon Knight theme I figured I'd put my thinking hat on and imagine how I'd like a Moon Knight sub-line of Marvel Legends figures to look like and who I'd include in it in  this week's edition of

Let's get to it shall we?

Wave 1:

1). Classic Moon Knight

2). Mr. Knight

3). Bushman

4). Midnight (Jeff Wilde)

Personally, I had three heads for this figure; the full skull-capped one, the one with the half mask w/hair, and the third being an unmasked, battle-damaged head.

5). Scarlet Moonlight

6). Black Spectre 

7). Shadow Knight (Randal Spector)

BAF: Werewolf By Night

 Honestly Jack's the only figure I can think of that would be BAF material, considering how everyone else enemy or ally, would be regular-sized.

 And that's what I think a Moon Knight wave would/should look like.
Did I miss anyone? I know I didn't include supporting characters like Marlene or Frenchy, because honestly, who's going to want action figures of them outside of a few hardcore MK fans. There's just wouldn't be enough interested buyers in them, so I intentionally left them out.


googum said...

The only other one I could think of was Morpheus? I don't think he's appeared a lot, or in anything else; but he should've fought Sleepwalker.

Mr. Morbid's House Of Fun said...

Yeah I thought of him, but he really, really doesn't have a memorable look to him or a colorful costume that would make him stand out for all the right reasons on the shelf. Then again I want a Vermin action figure and I guess the same excuse could apply to him too.

How he and not just Nightmare, didn't fight Sleepwalker I have no idea. Was he dead? Is he dead? I guess it doesn't matter since they ALWAYS come back one way or another.

"Closing time. You don't have to go home but you can't stay here."

Well..... I kinda always knew this day would come, and it sure has. It's been a hell of a ride, but it's time to for it end. Ti...