So I'm sure you guys are all aware of the cancellations of Iron Fist and Luke Cage by Netflix for various reasons.

Personally, I'll admit to not watching either shows, especially Iron Fist due to bad reviews.
Just wasn't really interested, and to be honest I'd rather have seen them appear together regularly in their own show, like Heroes for Hire, which is rumored to possibly go that way if Netflix so wishes.
A show based off Misty Knight and Colleen Wing called the "Daughters of the Dragon" is also another possible replacement, but for now that's all mere speculation.
So with that in mind, I've thought of my own possible replacements the cancelled shows, 5 of them to be exact:
My Top 5: Netflix Replacements for Iron Fist and Luke Cage
1). Damien Hellstrom
I really wonder how Damien doesn't already have his own show, Netflix or not, when you consider his whole deal. I mean he's the literal son of Satan who's trying his damndest (get it damndest?) to be absolutely nothing like his father (who can't relate to that?)
Throw in a natural case of sibling rivalry with his sister Satana and you have all the makings of a hit show.
Oh and did I mention he also has a built-in connection with Jessica Jones through her BFF Patsy Walker, a.k.a. Hellcat? Yup. Now sure they don't have to have been previously married, but they could meet and date at least.
As for his occupation, well thanks to the Conjuring series of movies, being a paranormal investigator's all the rage, so that's what I'd make him as part of his regular day job, a paranormal investigator who releases evil, vengeful spirits and exorcises demons away from unwitting hosts.
Again, and honestly folks, this shit practically writes itself.
And hey you can also use Damien's show as an opportunity to introduce other Marvel magical characters like Topaz, Jennifer Kale, Dr, Druid and Brother Voodoo just to name a few.
2). Man-Thing

Yes the movie did NOT do Manny any in at all, but there's hope for redemption in giving him a much longer episodic series in which to properly tell his story. I'd also advise since the comparisons to the Swamp Thing TV show are inevitably going to be made, to go ahead and fully embrace them, giving us a more modern and much better version of Marvel's answer to Swampy.
Of course I'd only expect to the show to only last a season, and there's going have to be a good amount of money thrown at it for special effects and all, but if done right, it could be a really good surprise hit for Netflix.
If only Steve Gerber was still alive to write it.....
3). Morbius The Living Vampire
Despite the fact that Hollyweird's letting Jared Leto fuck up another comic character movie (Idk, maybe he actually makes this one work, who knows) Ol' Morbie's a pretty good candidate for his own Netflix series. Why?
Here's why: He hits the still-popular Vampire genre niche, with his tortured existence and ever-present constant hunger for blood, all the while possessing none of the typical limitations of regular vampires. That in itself is worth its weight in story-telling gold. And no, you don't really need to include Spider-Man in the series at all since Morbius can work independent of ol' web-head.
4). Simon Garth, Zombie
Okay now this one might seem like an odd choice, but hear me out: even in 2018 zombies are still all the rage, well ok, maybe that particular ship has already left the harbor due to how The Walking Dead is slowly but surely declining in ratings, but its still possible to milk the genre just a little more with the tragic story of Simon Garth.
For those that don't know his story, real briefly, he was a workaholic executive for his family's coffee plantation business, who became an unwitting human sacrifice for a local voodoo cult when he was kidnapped by a former employee had fired. Despite the efforts of the cult's voodoo priestess to free him (she was in love with him) he became a zombie forever more.
There's definitely plenty of relatable and mine-able story elements here, as well as the fact that he can sometimes be controlled with the amulet of Damballah if you happen to possess the other half.
He can sometimes talk and is definitely not a traditional zombie in the fact that he's not mindless and constantly hungering for the taste of brains.
I think this could make for a very interesting series.
5). Moon Knight

For me this is a true no-brainer, and THE only legit, number one possible replacement for Daredevil should Netflix ever decide to pull the plug on it. And even if they don't(hopefully) the subject of Moon Knight would make for a very compelling and binge-worthy show.
Think about it; You have a street-level superhero who legit suffers from a mental disorder, who may or may not be powered by an Egyptian deity, a deity that also brought him back to life, he used to be a merc and he can call on anyone of his 4, count 'em 4 alternate identities to use. Nevermind a superhero with a double life, Marc Spector can have up to four!
How Moon Knight doesn't have his own show already I have no idea.
Let's make it happen Netflix!
Most and foremost I have to stress that while some of these characters could be excellent shows for the CW network, the tween and teen audiences IS NOT what I'm aiming for. These are to be serious and well-written shows, like most of the current Netflix shows are.....well for the most part anyways.
I did consider some other characters too, like....
- Hellcat, but then I'm not sure a supporting character like her can support her own show.
- Deathlok, but they'd have to reboot him scratch since he has the stink of Agents of SHIELD all over him (I'd use Charlie Huston's Deathlok the Demolisher mini-series as a blueprint)
- Werewolf By Night (Like the Howling maybe?)
- Killraven (budget issues) and
- Sleepwalker: It would never happen even though it's a totally original premise.
So that's my list, whatta' ya' guys think?
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