I kinda always knew this day would come, and it sure has.
It's been a hell of a ride, but it's time to for it end. Time to close up shop on this little blog of mine.
It's been a while coming, but everything ends eventually.
Lately doing this had more and more felt like a chore, something I had to do rather really want to.
I used to, but with so many factors going on, like a general lack of more feedback and the skits not being as funny as they used to be (well I think they are) it's just time to go ahead and exit stage left.
To all of you that have read my stuff and enjoyed it, thank you.
I hope you had as much fun reading it and all my other as I did making it.

I'll leave the place up of course so anyone can read my work whenever they feel like it.
Anyhoo, no tears, just fond memories of all those who I've made friends with or talked to since I first started doing this back in 2006.
It's been fun, but now I must be moving on.
Man, sorry to see you go - you seemed to be back in the swing of things over the last couple of months so I figured all was good.
Thanks for all the posts, though, and hope to still see you around in my little corner of the net.
I'll have some occasional bits of inspiration, but honestly it all went on longer than it should've, with the skits lately not being as funny as I had intended them to be and so forth. Who knows, I might pop up here and there, idk. But for now I'm content to sit back and let other people do the blog thing for now.
Of course I'll still read and comment on your posts. You've defintiely found your niche yourself.
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