Well kiddies it's the week of Halloween so I figured I might as well go with an all-Halloween theme for this week's posts as much as I can stand it, so we'll see how it goes.
But before I get into today's post, check this shit out Marvel Legends' fans:
Not sure if you guys are already aware of this or not, but the hot new news regarding the line was the recent reveals at events in Europe, namely that we're getting a Jim Lee-style Beast, a brand new Union Jack, a Classic Loki, Citizen V, a Genis Mar-Vell figure (Captain Mar-vel's son) and FINALLY a classic Grey Gargoyle figure!!!!
Yeah we'll have to wait until next year, probably spring of 2019 at the earliest, but yeah that's when they'll be coming out.
Personally I'm all in on the classic Loki figure, despite some criticism about his scales being painted and not being sculpted, but I'm just happy to finally be getting a classic Loki figure.
That and finally getting a Grey Gargoyle figure which has been on my own personal wish-list for some time now.
Speaking of personal wish-lists, it looks another character will be crossed of my own personal list as it was apparently accidently revealed that we'll also be getting a Puma figure (FINALLY) and 6-armed Spider-Man figure next year as well.
I say accidently, because apparently those two figures weren't meant to be leaked just yet, so it looks like they'll be more news about them coming out later.
But yeah, I'm legit excited at the figures they've revealed so far.
I know my wallet's not going to be happy, but I sure am.
Alright on to the main event of today's post, namely pitting two Marvel characters that share the Scarecrow name, The Straw Man against Marvel's Scarecrow.
Now originally I had intended to use the DC version, but then I figured well maybe the Marvel version might put up more of a fight, and per this panel the Straw Man was already aware of the Marvel version and didn't really care for him.

And thus an imaginary feud was born.
Ok so the Straw Man's deal is he one of the original lords of fear, until he turned the others and decided to do his own thing. He lives in his own dimensional realm inside an ancient painting and seems think of Earth as his home thus why he'more of guardian of humanity and benevolent than evil, seeing as how he's killed mainly criminals and other demons that seek innocents.
You can read more on him here:
Scarecrow started as highly-trained circus escape artist and contortionist who turned to a life of crime because he felt it paid better. He fought heroes like Iron Man and Captain America, got his ass kicked bu them, received some surgical implants that augmented his overall abilities, then fought the Ghost Rider and wound up dead for efforts. Eventually he was resurrected and that seems to be his main cycle where he'll die and then be brought back to life.
You can read more on his deal here as well:
Let's compare their respective stats shall we?
-The Straw Man:
Powers |
Animal Control
Darkness Manipulation
Dimensional Manipulation
Divine Powers
Emotion Control
Plant Control
Reality Manipulation
Shape Shifter
Super Strength
Weather Control
Powers |
Animal Control
Emotion Control
Escape Artist
Pheromone Control
Super Strength
Unarmed Combat
So based off first impressions, this one really could be a much longer, better fight than the esteemed Dr. Crane could ever hope to give one of the actual lords of fear.
Now they both have superhuman strength, though I would think the Straw Man would be stronger.
And they both have a sort of invulnerability, well the Straw Man is except for fire, and Scarecrow has a really good healing factor, meaning this fight could really go the distance. Plus since they can both control crows, I guess they'd keep siccing 'em at each other, ha ha.
I think the main difference is that the Straw Man's an magical demon, whereas Scarecrow's mortal. Well, mortal in the sense he can and has been killed before, but he's also been magically resurrected, so there's that.
The Straw Man
Who wins and why?
Let me know who you think survives in the comments' section.....