Wrapping up

-week with one last crazy, alterated Spider-Man cover.
Check it out:

Original source:
Goddamn, just look at the level of disgust on Peter Parker's face as he flails about.
Not fear or surprise, disgust.
The only one who seems to show any concern is his boss J. Jonah Jameson. How fucked up is that?
On a side note, I gotta' point how the design of Prowler's costume by Jazzy John Romita really shouldn't work. I mean look at it:
Sure, with the right artist, it looks decent enough, but the chest design makes no sense whatsoever, and overall he winds up looking like Spawn's grandfather or something.
And then recently his look was given a "modern" redesign as part of the Marvel NOW initiative which makes him look really generic- looking to me.
I get losing the claws, but maybe they should've kept the cape and streamlined it a bit. I don't know, but something. Maybe keep the claws, but streamline and clean them up a bit.
Let's just say I'm glad Hasbro decided to go with his classic look when they decided to release his very own Marvel Legends figure.