What's up people?
How was your Thanksgiving week/weekend? Do you join the ranks of the Black Friday mobs or did you simply stay in a food-induced coma for most of it all?
I myself I ate myself silly, but have no regrets whatsoever. I could probably use the extra pounds I no doubt gained. Living off left-over and home made gluten-free New York-style Cheesecake will do that to ya' you know.
This previous Saturday night I was surprised by my girlfriend giving me a Christmas gift early and buying the new
WWE 2K19 wrestling game, which was on sale
@ Gamestop for $27.99 (from $60) With a deal that good neither of us could pass it up, so she got for me now since more than likely it won't get any lower in price.
And this little beauty I found over in the Marvel Legends section of the store:

(Courtesy of Marvelousnews.com)
The new X-men Apocalypse BAF Wave ML Psylocke, and the purple-haired variant to boot!
I had to get her since I didn't have the previous Toybiz version or any version of her, so grab her I did. They did also have the Magneto, Wolverine, Sabertooth and Multiple Man figures from that wave, but I reasoned that I wouldn't find Psylocke (especially that version of her) at that low of price of $22.99 online
(She currently goes for $27 and $28 dollars at Amazon and Walmart.com respectively)
So I passed up the rest of them since I'll should still be able get them later for relatively cheap.
So check this out, I was just randomly thinking about this a couple of days ago of who in the
DC Universe I'd send over to the
Marvel Universe, you know in a sort of swapping wives way but more permanent.
Of all the DC characters that exist over there in
Time Warner-Land these are my top 10 picks for who I feel would fit the best over there and might even thrive. Of course knowing me, I couldn't just be ok with not getting the most of my picks and not divide them up into two categories; heroes and villains. Trust me, it helps A LOT with the picking process if I give myself freedom like that.
-Top 10 DC Heroes I'd Send To Marvel:
1). Firestorm
When you think of DC characters that could easily be Marvel characters, you obviously have to think of this guy right? I mean he basically already IS a Marvel character living in the DCU considering who created him
(Marvel mainstays Gerry Conway and Al Migrom) and his whole everyman shtick that makes him more closer to a Peter Parker than a Clark Kent or Bruce Wayne.
I'd like to think if Stan Lee had created him, he'd really love working with the unique dualistic natures of Prof. Martin Stein and Ronnie Raymond and how they interact and play off each other. I'm sure the fact that they share the same mind and body matrix would be pure story fodder for Stan, not to mention how based in real science (for the most part) Firestorm is.
If there's a more typical example of a Marvel character that lives in the DC other than Firestorm, I'd like to see him.
2). Animal Man
Personally I feel ol' Buddy would do just fine for himself in the world just outside your window. His powers would translate well and they'd actually be pretty unique and valuable considering there's really not a lot MU characters currently running around that have the ability to tap into different animal powers. The fact that Buddy's one of those everymen with a family whilst doubling as a superhero would make him a perfect addition to the MU. Hell I can already see him possibly becoming besties with either Spider-Man or even Scott Lang.
3). Ted Kord Blue Beetle
The start of the trend of including the Sons of Ditko starts with Ted Kord. I feel between his fun-loving personality paired with his extensive scientific genius and knowhow, Ted would fit in nicely in the MU alongside fellow peers like Tony, Reed, Spidey, and Hank( both of them).
And of course you can't leave out the other half of the hilarious Blue and Gold team without....
4). Booster Gold
Now of course his origin would have to be tweaked a little like they did with Neil Gaiman's Angela, but I think it'll only take a couple minor details being fixed and sorted out. Like say he still comes from the future, but instead of the LEGION, he steals his suit and Skeets from either the original 30th Century GoTG or even Kang/Immortus himself. Just a thought.
Shit man, just imagine the 4-way pairing of Spider-Man/Deadpool w/ Ted and Booster.
Oh the comedic potential alone would be off the fucking charts!
Oh fuck what about the current incarnation of the GoTG based off the movies? Seeing Booster interact with all them, especially a battle of the wise-ass screw-ups like him and Starlord, Skeets interacting w/ Rocket and Groot, and of course Booster hitting on Gamora while making fun of Drax....this shit practically writes itself.
5). The Question (Vic Sage)
Another son of Ditko, Vic Sage does seem like an interesting and maybe odd choice to swap over to the DCU, but hear me out. His unique viewpoint on the world as the DCU's resident superhero conspiracy nut would work out well enough at Marvel. I mean he could still be employed as reporter for either the Daily Bugle or any news station. It's not like a new one can't be made up specifically for Vic. Plus, I'd love to see his interactions with Spidey, The Punisher, and especially Moon Knight. Somehow I think those two would just LOVE hanging out with each other. Just a feeling I guess.
6). The Creeper
Personally I feel a strange-looking jokester like the Creeper would do well alongside his fellow Ditko brothers and sister in the MU. Of course, he does risk being redundant in world that also has other wise-asses there like Spider-Man, Deadpool, Gwenpool, Madcap, and Slapstick. Now there's a hell of a comedy troupe for you right? Just watching Creeper play off characters like The Thing, Hulk, Wolverine, Cap and more would be funny as fuck, especially since they should be used to a humorous guy like him since they do deal with Wade all the time. Also, just like his fellow Son of Ditko, The Question, the Creeper in his civilian identity of Jack Ryder could also either work at the Daily Bugle or some random news channel. Again, whichever works best for that aspect of the character.
7). Hawk & Dove
Honestly I feel either version could work, so I'm including both the original incarnation with brothers Hank and Don and the current one with Hank and Dawn.
More than anything I'm curious with how their dynamic would work in a world like the MU, and in particular, how Stan Lee would've had a field day working with the whole "War Hawk" and "Peace Dove" mentalities of the Hall brothers. That's pathos he would've eaten up with a spoon.
8). The Doom Patrol
Ok I guess this really is a cheat of sorts and also a pick that's entirely biased on my part as well as a bit redundant since you already have a family of freaks in the FF, except there, The Thing's the only one that looks disfigured, while the others still look like normal people. That being said, I'm curious to see how someone like the Chief, as much of a mad scientist genius as he is as well as a control freak, would play well with the other geniuses of the MU like Reed, Hank, T'Challa, and the others. Oh shit especially Prof. X! Imagine that meeting right? It'd be a battle of the retconned dicks to their students/teammates kind of deal. Fuck it, they're staying right here. Plus all sorts of fun could be mined by their unique set of villains. Oh and Danny The Street. Motherfucking Danny the Street. The MU would LOVE him.
Oh and Crazy Jane. Can't forget her too!
Oh and Flex Mentallo too. Yeah definitely Flex too....
9). Kyle Rayner
Kyle's another example of a Marvel-like character that exists in the DCU. He's just your basic everyman in the tradition of Peter Parker, except he's an artist and not a scientist. So That makes him even more like an everyman to me. Let's see how well he'd do in a world that might just be more to his liking. Of course we'd have to do something about his source of powers though. because the few limits he does have on his GL ring would make things REALLY interesting to see play out.
10). The Ray (Ray Terril)
I like Ray. I like Ray a lot. I've liked ever since I was introduced to his stuff around 1994. I thought he had a really cool visual look (the fact he rocks my favorite colors, black and yellow go a long way sealing my interest) and nice array of super powers. I don't even mind that DC recently turned him gay because they probably couldn't think of anything else interesting to do with him. I don't mind and I guess it helps his characters stand out more....I think.
Hell, they can even keep his history as a legacy character of they wanted since his dad was the original Golden Age Ray. I guess you'd be moving him to the MU as well, or they could choice to leave that part out completely and give him a slightly different, newer origin, or even tie him into other past golden age characters. Whichever works for Ray the best.
Oh and I just have to squeeze in one more before I go, and he's one that originally made the list before I gave Ray his spot, it's the Blue Devil....
10a). The Blue Devil
Yup, something tells me a character just like 'Devil, with his alter ego of former hollywood special fx and stuntman David Cassidy would be a good fit for the Marvel Universe. His unusual look and humorous outlook on his weird life would allow him to adjust easily enough. At least that's what I think. As for him joining teams, I see groups like the original Defenders, original Champions and if he just has to be on the Avengers, than I'd rather he be on a team like the West Coast Avengers. As you can see I'm keeping him out on the west coast because New York is already too damn crowded with superheroes as it is, so I say, to fit his job, base him out of good ol' Cali.
So that's my list of the top 10 DC Heroes I personally feel could be traded off to the DCU and adjust pretty well for themselves.
And now that I think about it, there's at least probably 10 more I can think of, like Zatanna, Swamp Thing, Lobo, Black Lighting, Adam Strange, The Atom, and The Demon.
But that's enough for now. Tomorrow I'll roll out my top 10 DC villains that I feel would work out well enough at Marvel. Be sure to check it out, and feel free to leave your suggestions for who you think from the DC Universe would adapt well to existing in the Marvel Universe in the comments' section.