Monday, February 29, 2016

"She's Got The Look"

The End

Juggy's got a point here. True story, as I was thinking the same exact thing after listening to this song about a week or two back. Chalk it up to creative license I guess.

BTW if you're interested, here's the song:

Thursday, February 25, 2016

So, Who Would Win?: Deadshot VS. Bullseye


Hey just wanted to give a quick plug to one of the hottest and freshest presented professional wrestling shows out there today, Lucha Underground!

Already on its 2nd season and available only on the El Rey cable network, LU for me, manages to do in only one hour, what the WWE's Monday Night Raw tries to do in 3; entertain me for the duration of the entire show. Not an easy task when you consider how Raw has the more established name, bigger name talent, more money, etc. But what LU does better is showcase actual wrestling, as opposed to tired, long-winded promos. And while both use the elements of soap opera as its main thematic way of story-telling, LU does it in a unique manner, making the show look like a movie or true tele-novella in the proud Mexican/Spanish tradition.

LU also has its own collection of colorful and unique luchadores, with equally colorful names such as Drago, El Pentagon Jr, Prince Puma, Aerostar, Fenix,  and much much more.

and they have a few former WWE name wrestler sin there as well other world-class wrestlers from other organizations worldwide.
Another plus for it, is the format; it's divided up into seasons, much like a typical television series is, so you're given a definite beginning and ending.
Plus there's usually a rotating cast of characters outside of the main core ones, to watch. So if you're tired of seeing one guy, another new guy debuts to spice things up.

The major problems facing LU though, are lack of exposure, since it's only available on one channel not a lot of people probably get, no DVDs of the show have been made available too, so that also hurts it. Plus more advertising beyond their social media pages would also help spread the word. And of course Money as always, since they're having to operate within the confines of a set budget, much like an tv show is,

Season 3 seems to be a lock, but LU's business model must change and become  more effective in order for their to be a 4th.
But for now, I'm enjoying the ride as a fan, and I invite you to give it a try yourself, whether you're an old wrestling fan, new fan, or just looking for something different to watch on Wednesday nights.

And for the main event, and the very reason (hopefully) you stopped by long enough to read this one,
Deadshot VS. Bullseye, as they go head-to-head in this week's edition of So, Who Would Win?

So if you don't already know the deal about these two famous assassins, I'll wait while you wiki 'em.

Got it? Good.

For my scenario in which these two face off against each other, it's a simple but effective one;
Deadshot and Bullseye have been hired by rich rival crime bosses, and after having successfully foiled each other's assassination attempts, now they finally meet to put an end to each other's existence. For the right price of course.

Now to me, one really doesn't have an overwhelmingly obvious advantage over the other if you really think about it.

Floyd's an assassin who usually never misses his a target when he aims at it (usually unless it's Batman for example) is well-versed in the use of most conventional man-made weapons, and uses body armor to help keep him from getting killed.
He's done the team thing as well, famously being a member of the Suicide Squad.

Lester's an assassin who also usually never misses a target when he aims at it (usually unless it's Daredevil for example) and is also well-versed in the use of most conventional man-made weapons. Of course he has and can, use seemingly ordinary items like paper clips or pencils to kill people.
While he doesn't wear body armor, he does posses an adamantium-covered spinal cord, so no worries ever of having a broken back.
He's also done the team thing, having famously one been a member of Norman Osborne's Thunderbolts turned Dark Avengers.

And there you have it; two world-class mercenaries going at it until one or both are dead.





Who Would Win and Why?
As always, I'd love to hear who you think makes it out this one alive, even if barely.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Top 10: Daredevil Villains I Want To See Made

Happy Hump Day!

Welcome to another edition of the Top 10, where I present to you my list of the top 10 characters I'd love to see made as a figure in the Marvel Legends line.

Now last week I presented the top 10 Iron Man Villains I'd like to see made, this week, it's Daredevil's turn, and more specifically his gallery of rogues that haven't received the Marvel Legends treatment yet.

This will be the last time I used this type of format, in favor of  presenting lists of dream waves as a whole, and how to get the most out of dream choice, as well as providing Hasbro with a potential guide on how to get them cheap enough. In other words, I'll be listing waves I'd be done to buy.

But that's next week,
This week it's all about Daredevil's villains....

10). Ikari:

I'm just in love with this visual that Chris Samnee created here. I just love how much it's an exact reflection of his original yellow and red outfit, but in a ninja-style garb.

And here's some customs to show Hasbro how it can be done:

9). The Purple Man: 

Classic suited look here, Nothing too crazy going on here really. Surprised with Jessica Jones come and gone, he'd have already had an official figure made by now.

8). Lady Bullseye:

I know she gets shit form being a blatantly derivative character, but love the visual too much to care either way.

7). Coyote (The Spot):

What a letdown to find out this guy was really the Spot in disguise, but on the flip side, kudos to him for showing us a hidden dark, aggressive side. Personally, he should've been allowed to  have kept this persona.

6). Typhoid Mary:

And where would a list like this be without an appearance by Matt's other famous ex?
Typhoid Mary had her own figure made by Toy Biz in the late 90's,, but has yet to have her own figure made in the ML line. I'd go for the classic look, be she has had some minor updates through the years that would work just as well.

5). The Jester:

Hey, why not the the Jester? He's a devious son of a bitch, and has simple enough design to not be too costly to make.

4). Death-Stalker:

Visually he's pretty cool even though he hasn't bee seen or relevant in years. Still, seems like a waste. Oh and apparently there's a new female Death-Stalker around these days. That's another option.

3). The Owl:

Is it time for the Owl to get his due? Sure why not.

  Here's how it could look, especially if they went with his classic look:

2). Gladiator:

Melvin Potter would be a damn good choice to almost top of this list of longtime DD foes. Seriously, how cool would it be to see a figure like this on the shelves?

They can use the new Whirlwind figure to help out on this one.

1). Mr. Fear:
This one to me, is the number-one want above all others in this list, and yes folks, it's purely visual.

I mean, since he has so many looks die to so many guys assuming the Mr. Fear identity, you have the choice of multiple outfits.

My suggestion is taking advantage of the newly-released Taskmaster figure, especially the two alt heads to see how to do this.
Or even re-use some Moon Knight stuff as well.
Here's some customs though:

One last suggestion, I'd like to see a classic Bullseye figure.

Sure the one we got over ten years ago still more than holds up, but a new one wouldn't be either. One with more blues in it than black, and with an alternative unmasked head with the carved bullseye symbol on his forehead.

Here's some cool, customs for Hasbro look at for inspiration:

That's my list, what would yours be?

"Closing time. You don't have to go home but you can't stay here."

Well..... I kinda always knew this day would come, and it sure has. It's been a hell of a ride, but it's time to for it end. Ti...