Hey people,
I don't know about you guys, my weekend wasn't bad. I went to the Toys R' Us in the nearby city of Florence and snagged some cool new figures; DCUC's Wave 20 to be exact. There's was tons and tons of figures to choose from that and other toy lines. I even found a Monarch figure from the Venture Bros. cartoon series for only $5.90, but passed on it anyway.
What I did get though was Red Arrow(prepare to bombarded by drug/junkie skits now), Hawk(of Hawk and Dove fame), a personal favorite and must-have, Prof. Zoom, the Reverse-Flash, and last but not least......the Super-Friends edition 2-pack of Hal Jordan/Sinestro on sale for only $20. No bad from being originally $35.
The big thing(ha ha) that was the main selling point for me, was the fact that this Sinestro was in his traditional blue and black costume, that was sculpted in more appropriate scale and body-wise than the other Sinestro figures distributed throughout the line.
Plus the extra glowing energy ring construct weapons were welcome bonuses to the 2-pack. Too bad there aren't that many necessary accessories packaged in with the regular figures, as that's become a growing, but now moot point of contention from fans. Moot now that the wave has ended for now. Damn shame that one is!
Anyways, while I struggled and debated over either getting the 2-pack or 2 more Wave 20 figures such as Dove and the modern Green Arrow, I went with the 2-pack and never looked back.
Now some of you, especially Goo, would ask "How in the hell do you buy Hawk, but not Dove?" Simple. I'm a terrible chauvinist when it comes to figures. I rarely buy female figures unless they either look good enough to get or I need them for their C&C parts. Yep, just using them for their parts. How like a man huh?
As much as I really thought about buying Dove, I just couldn't pass up DC Comics' favorite teen sidekick junkie, so blame Roy, everyone else does.
Alright now on to today's skit, and bear with me folks as it's kinda' long. Not super long, but longer than my usual skits. It features Iron Man and Green Arrow(he broke his cherry guys!), so enjoy.
Welcome to a place where the spirit of Fuckery, Toyfare and Robot Chicken live, and action figures do bad things to each other.
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I was gonna ask how you could get Hawk without Dove--but then I remembered I have a Ren and no Stimpy, so...
Ignoring Bendis's run on Avengers, I do like Hawkeye better than Green Arrow; probably because I've read like four different stories where Ollie loses his faith or his mojo or whatever and can't shoot. His arrows. Hawkeye wouldn't know an existential crisis if it bit him in the ass, and that's why he's cool.
That said, I love pitching Hawkeye crap too: "Earth's Mightiest Heroes...and Hawkeye."
Yeah, Hawkeye does seem cooler since, as you said, he doesn't lose he shit even when he has a good excuse. Like the time his own teammate(Scarlet Witch) killed him and brought him back, or when he was looking for her, thought he found her and banged her, then found out it was a doombot! I'd be slightly fucked up about that fact alone.
You have a Ren and no Stimpy? You idiottttttttt! Sorry had to do it.
Man this one was intense. Did arrow get all off his chest? I'm gong to read this one all over again, and then go say the shit to somebody. think they'll get mad? I don't give a shit I got Hawkeye as my damn back up. Coolest Avenger ever.
Oh, I asked you about DCUC in another post just disregard that. You told me what I needed to know in this post. I should have read em in order huh?
Ha ha, yeah I guess so. I honestly don't know where all that came from, other than I imagine if those two ever got into it, the insults would probably go alittle something like that.
I Hawkeye's got your back, who's got your front? Gay joke alert. Gotta' watch those things m'man!
Glad you enjoyed it though. you rock too.
Thanks Compadre, you've given the killa a new medium for self expression.
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