It's been awhile since I've done this, but welcome to an unexpected edition of

Faithful readers should know the deal by now with this particular column; I present a comic character or teams of comic characters, and pit them against each other last man standing-style to see who wins in the end.
This week, it's a battle of the telepathic baldies, as I'm pitting Moondragon against Professor X.

Let's look at the stats shall we?
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Also according to her Wikipedia entry:
"Moondragon primarily possesses tremendous telepathic abilities which have enabled her to control the population of an entire planet to stop an ongoing war, while enslaving the thunder god Thor as her personal lover.[28] She has demonstrated willpower and spiritual strength rivaling that of Thanos,[29] and the Sorcerer Supreme Doctor Strange,[30] pierced the psionic shields of the cosmic entity Galactus to enable communication, and when borrowing her abilities, Thanos almost manages to overwhelm the Devourer.[31]
Beyond communication and control of other minds, she can induce mental illusions, cause personality changes, and erase specific memories. She can also fire bolts of psionic energy as concussive blasts that can either stun an opponent or render an opponent brain dead.
She is also a low-level telekinetic, an ability that lets her move and manipulate most physical matter by using only her thoughts, levitate herself and others, create shields of psychic force, and fire concussive psychokinetic energy blasts with sufficient strength to affect steel."
Just thought I'd point that out in case anyone reading this thought this would be a slam dunk for Xavier.
-Professor X:
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I don't think I have to remind you that in the comics, during the infamous Dark Phoenix Saga, he went one-on-one with the Phoenix and won (he had Jean's help of course, but a win's a win)
I'm also using the classic, iconic versions of these characters, not so much the newer, resurrected versions of the two, especially since Xavier took over Fantomax's body, so he can walk again.

Professor X

Who wins and why?
Let me know who you think is the last baldy standing in the comments' section.