Finally, we've gotten to the last entry in this week-long series where I've been swapping Marvel and DC characters back and forth, exploring which ones would and could most likely exist in each other's respective universes.
I've gone through 10 DC heroes and villains going into the MU, and now it's time to wrap up the Marvel side of things as I lay out my top 10 list of Marvel villains I feel could work in the DCU.
Here we go.....
-Top 10 Marvel villains I'd Send to DC:
1). Annihilus
Aside from the fact that you'd also have to either swap the Negative Zone to the DCU as well, I guess he could also become an inhabitant of the Phantom Zone, making him a Kryptonian by default, which would make him a Superman antagonist. That'd be cool. Or a dimension or planet made just for him. Either way, he's not so bound up in the MU that he couldn't also transition into a DC villain.
2). Crossbones
He's a hired gun, but a very well-trained, and very resourceful hired gun. Sure he's loyal to the Red Skull, but I can easily see him either going solo or hooking up with a major power-player in the DCU.
3). Baron Zemo
Nazis exist in the DC Universe too, so this one should be an easy transition. Instead of Captain America, he could fight the JSA as a legacy villain, The JLA or even the Freedom Fighters. Hey, he's a versatile villain I swear!
4). The Purple Man

Zebediah Killgrave would more than likely be a fun and very interesting addition to the DCU. I see easily being used as either a street-level criminal fighting against guys like Batman, Green Arrow and the like, or in villain super-group with Lex Luthor in the Legion of Doom. either way, Killgrave would make a fun, but fatal inclusion into the DC mix.
5). Arcade
Ok the DCU could definitely use this guy. I mean sure just imagine the match-ups he'd have with the JLA, Outsiders, Teen Titans or any other team or singular hero like the Flash for example. His gimmick of building customized deathtraps for rich clients could and should work out just fine. Hell I'm already salivating at the thought of Arcade testing his skills out Batman, or a potential rivalry with the Riddler or Joker over who can build a better deathtrap.
6). Tiger Shark
He can easily be used as an Aquaman villain as much as he is strictly a Namor villain or rolling with the Masters of Evil, he could roll with the Legion or Injustice Gang. Okay so maybe I'm breaking the rules about not using villains with similar gimmicks to their DC counterparts, but in my defense he's doesn't have the same power and skillset as other Aquaman villains, so there's that. Fuck it, he stays.
7). M.O.D.O.K.
This big-brained motherfucker would definitely work in the DCU. But instead of running AIM, he could run H.I.V.E. or some other evil scientific enclave. Fuck! Ok so yeah he's visually similar to Hector Hammond, but that's only a visual similarity. They don't share the same powers. he stays.
8). Blastaar
Much like his fellow Negative Zone neighbor Annihilus, Blastaar could also work in the confines of the DCU. He can easily be utilized as an cosmic villain, trying to invade Earth or other planets in the DC Universe as a means to expand his kingdom in the Negative Zone. Which means lots of fun match-ups with Superman and the JLA, Lobo maybe, Adam Strange, and the Green Lantern Corps just to name a few.
9). The Mandarin
Here's another good choice to introduce into the DCU; The Mandarin. His origin story about finding an advanced alien ship with powerful rings can still work without him being tied to Iron Man. Instead it just seems like a no-brainer to pair him the Green Lantern since they both share the the same power ring as a weapon theme. And honestly they just seem they'd be more of a natural antagonistic pairing than Iron Man does.
10). Dr. Doom
Ok, so yeah he's mostly known as being an FF villain, their main one to be exact, but he's also fought just about every other hero and hero team in the MU. Meaning he's long since graduated from just being simply a guy the FF fights every other week or month. He's a lot more versatile than that. So, with some minor tweaks to his origin, namely swapping out Reed for someone else, who points out to Victor a minor, but very important miscalculation, he blows his face up and away we go. I'm not sure at this point if the person pointing out the mistake is has to be an important hero, but if you really want it to be, than maybe Ray Palmer, Dr. Will Magnus or some other good guy genius scientist can fit the bill. I know one thing, I'd love to see the above image realized for real, that'd for damn sure.
So, that's my list. What would your list look like? Similar to mine or vastly different?
Let me know your thoughts in the comments' section.