Yes folks, you're seeing this right, I'm pitting two of the most badass former soldiers against each other in a last-badass-standing competition.

Let's compare their skill-sets and abilities first, shall we?
First, here's Slade's:
Abilities |
Now Frank's:
Abilities |
So as you can see, they're pretty much even-steven in the skill-set department, aside from Slade's edge in having superhuman healing and responses/reflexes.
And really, that's where Slade has the obvious and distinct advantage over Frank; Frank's just a regular guy at the end of the day, with regular human limits. Slade isn't and doesn't have those same limitations.
For me, it comes down to who can outsmart who, and who can outlast who.
Here's another point. Deathstroke is known for putting into place, very intricate and detailed plans of attack on his target. He'll go after your friends and loved ones, and then go after you once you've been softened up.
The Punisher stands out here, because unlike Deathstroke's past targets, Frank doesn't really have any close friends or family for Slade to strike out at. This would force Slade to come at Frank from a totally different angle and plan of attack than he's normally used to employing.
I imagine there would be a lot of cat and mouse games being played, with both men attempting to weaken the other, and cut off any outside assistance/interference and resources.
And you just KNOW this one's going for days, maybe even weeks, as both men are used to being severely tested by their respective peers, both in the past and present in their respective social circles in the hero and villain communities.
Deathstroke The Terminator

The Punisher

Who wins and why?
Let me know who you think makes it out alive in this one....
Have a good weekend folks....