So I'm currently fooling around with the idea of doing a Best of 2014 thing for this blog.
I kinda' did one last year, and I'm very curious as to what skits and features were your favorites this year.
Let me know if you're interested, and I'll post them next week.
Now, onward to today's fantasy fight, the Taskmaster versus Prometheus.

One's a villain with the unique ability of photogenic reflexes, meaning he can see any move from a fight scene(even just once) and automatically duplicate it.
He's also a head trainer of his own henchmen trainee academy that outsources its graduates to various super-villains and villainous organizations.

The other was intended by creator
Grant Morrison to be the anti-Batman. Using his uniquely-designed helmet, he can also mimic any moves he's gathered intel on by downloading discs of info into said helmet.
Who Wins and Why?
As always leave your picks in the comments' section.
As a quick note, I know I'm not the only person to ask this question.
Wizard Magazine ran this very fantasy fight in the pages of their mag years ago, in their
Last Man Standing feature in #
101(Feb 2000)
I'm not sure who I remember they picked to win, but I think it was Taskmaster.
Hope have a safe a happy Weekend people.