So yesterday I gave you guys my Top 5 list of the least favorite Marvel Crossover events.
Today its DC's time to pay the piper.
5). Genesis(1997)

Basically this was John Byrne deciding that the source of all super powers in the universe was caused by the fallout of the Old World blowing up.

Apparently some energy force called the Godwave is what led to super-powered beings, hero and villain alike, to be created. Not to mention birthing the New Gods as well. Totally unnecessary ret-con that has been ignored by DC ever since. I guess I can see maybe Byrne was trying to make the DC universe more beholdened to Jack Kirby, like the Marvel U is. But Jack didn't create DC.
Stupid Byrne.
4). Final Night(1996)
Final Night was all about what happens when the Sun-Eater eats the DCU's sun. The heroes were powerless to stop the Earth from dying, which sounds like bullshit to me. You're telling after Superman and the JLA spent years saving the world and others worlds as well, they couldn't rig up something to fix this?
Nope, instead it all came down to one unlikely savior; Hal Jordan, a.k.a. Parallax. It looked like this was DC's way of putting Hal on the shelf for awhile after horribly destroying his character and fan base with his heel turn following the aftermath of
Emerald Twilight two years earlier.

This was Hal's redemption and face turn, and he goes out like the hero he always was by using his life energies and powers to re-ignite the sun.
Sure Johns brought back Hal, but he did it in a hooky-ass manner, even for comics.
I give Ron Marz a shitload of credit for writing Hal like he did, trying to justify being a villain. That's better than the cope-out load of shit about being possessed by alien.
3). Infinite Crisis(2005)

Welcome to the official start of the hack side of Geoff Johns. All the unnecessary grimification/maturation of the DCU started here. Oh
Identity Crisis definitely got the ball rolling, but it picked up steam in a big way with this one. Starting off with the unforgivable crime of killing off the real Blue Beetle, Ted Kord, to revealing that Batman had secretly become the very embodiment of George Wells novel
1984. Not to
mention turning Superboy Prime into a raging, killing machine.
Yeah, no thanks.
2. Brightest Day(2010)
All this weekly did was bring back 12 various heroes and villains you see in the pic above.
Oh, then it killed 4 of them again, while Deadman tried to get his swerve on with Dove.
And something about Swamp Thing returning to the DCU proper. Yeah, fucking waste.
Nice action figures though.
1). War of the Light/Rise of the Third Army/Wrath of the First Lantern(2011-13)
Remember when this was actually exciting to think about?
What the hell happened!?
Surprise, surprise! Another Johns production makes the list. You know how most DC events never ever really have a satisfying ending? How they only really just continue on straight to the next big event?
Yeah that.
Well that annoying trend arguably got started and perfected here with Johns during his GL run. Everything from Blackest Night on(Maybe even earlier with the SCW) never officially ended. It just rushed on into the next big storyline without so much as a breather.
That may be you guy's cup of tea, but it damn sure isn't mine.
Plus it all further occurred as an excuse to keep Hal out in space way longer than he should've. It's like Johns was so into writing his big sci-fi space drama, that he forgot Hal's a human from Earth. And yet other than the first two arcs of his run, we didn't get see anymore of Hal's earthbound rogues gallery. Fuck that!
Anyhoo, all that rapid fire event stuff hits its prime here with all three of these lackluster "events". The only good or decent thing was seeing Simon Baz(not a bad character there in all honesty) the revealing of Volthoom from the Crime Syndikate, the Guardians FINALLY get their comeuppance, and the whole things stayed amongst the GL family of titles.

The War of Light was really the Guardians and the Corps infighting. Plus sneaky dick moves by the Guardians......
......Which leads to the Rise of the Third Army. This was the Guardians staging a coming out party as the evil blue dicks we all knew they were. I guess it was Johns' excuse to have the GLC fight the Borg from

The Wraith of the First Lantern was basically how the Valthoom started out and got jobbed out to the guardians. He gets jobbed out again to Mogo(well, Mogo is badass)
Then Sinestro kills all the Guardians except Ganthet.
I don't know why, but it just seems to me that Johns was really pushing the patience of his readers. Almost like he was daring them to stop reading. Idk.
As always, feel free to tell me what makes your list as far as bad DC crossover events in the comments section.
Have a good weekend people,
Peace and Chicken Grease;)